Note: This is a continuation of the campaign website post “COD Should Vet Conferences” from September 10. That post discussed the conference (and probably travel and food) that the College of the Desert (COD) board approved for two Ethnic Studies professors. It was shown that the organization running the conference, the Western Political Science Association (WPSA), parent organization, the National Political Science Association (NPSA), receives most of its funding from extreme leftist foundations.
The “academic” Journal, “Politics, Groups, and Identities (PGI)” published an article in their Volume 12, Issue 4 edition entitled “Do equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) requirements change student political attitudes?” that seemed to admit that the goal of the CRT/DEI push is to indoctrinate. The abstract also indicates that indoctrination is working. The journal PGI is one of three journals that the WPSA owns and operates, according to WPSA minutes from 2022.
It should be noted that the authors change “DEI” to “EDI” for no apparent reason…perhaps to escape scrutiny? In any case, the four authors say the quiet part out loud in the abstract, when they report the results of studying the effects of required DEI/EDI courses on University students indicated that “an increase in inclusionary attitudes driven largely by students at the lowest baseline levels.” The authors administered surveys to their captives, over time, and determined that the” lowest baseline levels of students” were most susceptible to being indoctrinated.

Of course, it is public knowledge and well documented that “inclusionary attitudes” refers only to perceived victim classes and does not apply to white people—who are the oppressors and are labeled with the pejorative “White Christian Nationalist Supremacist”. In fact, that pejorative is applied, by academics, to anyone that questions the narrative, or supports Trump—you could be a purple dude that thinks he’s a woman but you would still be a White Supremacist if you divulged you supported Trump. Of course, white people could escape the oppressor label if they chose to associate themselves with a victim class, like being gay or trans.
As further evidence that the WPSA is intent on passing on indoctrination techniques, take a gander of other articles in that PGI edition. It is chock full of Marxist talking points so popular with Socialist Democrats today. They go so far as to label black supporters for Trump with “racial resentment.”

The WPSA, like their parent organization the NPSA, is registered with the IRS as a 501 (c)(3). The WPSA doesn’t have as much funds as the NPSA, but nearly half their expenses go to consultants.

The address listed for WPSA in the most recent IRS filing was the home address of the executive director, Richard Cuclas and the now defunct official website was a child page of the California State University Sacramento webpage. , Clucas himself was a professor at CSUS before moving on to Portland, Oregon, according to WPSA minutes discussing how to get around legal requirements to change the official address (since Clucas had moved out of State).

The COD Board of Trustees need to stop paying for their professors to attend such biased conferences. The board must conduct inquiry and apply critical thinking to determine if such conferences and curriculum are in the best interests of COD. College of the Desert has been losing Federal funding steadily since the installation of the Biden/Harris regime and President Trump has promised to cut funding to education institutions that continue to push the DEI rot. Let’s clean it up and save COD!