Issues with COD Curriculum Part II

This originally appeared on the campaign profile on Truth Social

Yesterday I mentioned some of the ludicrous courses at College of the Desert (COD). Today is a deeper dive into CDE 202. Links can be found in the screenshots included.

The course follows the goals (Identity, Diversity, Justice, Activism) set forth in the textbook, “Anti-Bias Education for Young Children” by Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards. Let’s take a look at just what is being taught to future childcare workers and primary teachers.
A description can be found at NAEYC org. Below is the cultish sounding overall philosophy.

If one were to read the goals without a critical eye, they would sound normal enough and what many parents have been doing for eons. A closer read will reveal a focus on gender identity, a Marxist oppressed v. oppressor paradigm, and a hate-filled racist attitude towards white Christians.

The authors state, under the goal diversity that “Differences do not create bias. Children learn prejudice from prejudice—not from learning about human diversity.” But that does not apply when teaching to be prejudiced against white people, or Christians as a whole.
Sparks, a retired professor, now runs an “antibiasleadersese .org” organization with partners that brings their Marxist and Transgender-mania principles to young children at learning facilities across the nation.
One partner on that list is ALSC conference.

Also the ALSC:

socialjusticebooks com, a project of teachingforchange org that Sparks seems to have a relationship with, promotes some of the following books for pre-school to 3rd graders (or thereabouts). Note, the site also advises to not buy from white Christian authors.

“I am Jazz”-a kinder boy that wants to be a girl.
“Julian is a Mermaid”-a Hispanic boy “exploring intersectionality”
“Call me Tree”- a book about gender identity
“Jack not Jackie”- a book about transgenderism. The review on this book is actually critical because while “…for Transgender boys, the narrative remains rooted in a cisgender perspective”

Again, COD is teaching/training adults to go out in the world and teach this to young children.

In 2018, Sparks became perturbed at the audacity of Scholastic to publish a book about a United States President, President Trump. Teachingforchange org published a hate-filled rant by Sparks. Sparks claimed, without evidence, that Trump was a racist who only cared about white Christian Nationalists and wanted to take everyone else’s rights away. Sparks ranted that Trump and his supporters “… look to a future where they no longer have to equitably share the resources of our wealthy country with anyone but people who look, think, and worship like they do.”
Projection and disinformation. @realDonaldTrump presided over an economy that was the best in history for ALL socio-economic groups and advocated for freedom of choice during the tyrannical democrat party protocols, mask/vaccine mandates, and lockdowns during Covid. There is no apparent rational reason for the level of Spark’s hatred, but they hatred demonstrates why COD should not be teaching a course based on her principles.

To Sparks and her ilk, people like Larry Elder @larryeldersage, Bianca Garcia @BiancaforTexas, Terrance Williams @TerrenceKWilliams, Anna Paulina Luna @realannapaulina, and millions of others are white Christian nationalists simply because they support President Trump and America First, all the while advocating for their exclusion from society. Exclusion, or accept the woke mind virus. It is absurd and has no place in education.
Hopefully, with tools promised by @realDonaldTrump, once elected, cutting off federal funds to schools that use DEI/CRT, and by electing trustees that care, like me, courses that utilize rot like that from Sparks can be excised from our institutions of learning.

We need to start somewhere. Vote for me for College of the Desert Trustee for Area 2 and I’ll get started!

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